Many features are added regularly and are not up to date in the pages of features. To see the latest additions and changes, visit the News page.

Manage the teams

The cloakroom

Cloakroom attribution

Don’t miss a second with our cloakroom tool that let you plan in a schedule form, witch team will be present and at witch cloakroom.

Upload your teams

Gain time by uploading your team

Planitounoi propose you to gain some time to create your team by uploading your own Excel file! Simple and fast!

Email preview

Don’t miss any information

With our email preview feature, managing the communication between other teams and players become a child`s play! Be sure to have all the information before sending for a guaranteed success.

Automatically fill player sheet

Simplify the coaches and administrators task

Adding players to the team, tournament or league as never been easier! Our system automatically fills the personal info if the player have already a passport or as ever been part of another tournament, team or league on planitournoi.com! This way coaches and administrators can focus on what`s important.

Availibility of scoresheet

Manage the scoresheet

Prevent coaches and players to see or print scoresheet before selected game.

Communication management

Effective communication

Adding filter to the manager mailing window, allows a improved communication system that reach the desired member for a better accuracy example:

  • Member gender
  • Categories
  • Level
  • Member status
  • Team management

    Simplified team management

    Our interface is just one click away from giving you the number of team register per division, resulting in maximization of information giving to the user.

    Teams management

    Create / Approve teams

    With a few clicks, you can create and approve teams wishing to participate in your tournament.

    Quickly view approved and non-approved teams, filter to display only those corresponding to the desired criteria.


    Manage teams unavailabilities

    With a few clicks, you can manage easily the unavailabilities of the teams wishing to participate in your tournament.

    Excel reports

    Generate excel reports of the teams

    You can quickly make your own excel report with all the teams informations that participate to your tournament.

    PDF reports

    Generate your printable reports

    Within a few clicks, your can create printable reports of the teams that participates to your tournament.


    Quickly send emails

    You can send an email to multiple teams in a few clicks!

    Quickly choose teams that should receive an email with the filter; It will display only those corresponding to the desired criteria.

    Players management

    Create your players individually

    For each team, create your players, set their type and status for more precision.

    There are five types : Player, Coach, Manager, Physio and monitor.

    There are four status available : Regular, Reserve, try and guest.

    Printable reports of your players

    Generate your own reports of players by teams

    Within a few clicks, you can have a printable version of the informations of each players for each teams of your tournament.

    Mailing history

    Check your mailing history

  • Date
  • Time
  • Subject
  • Files
  • Teams targeted
  • Check which teams has received the mailing you have sent

    Send schedules

    Send schedules to your teams

    Select the team you wish to send their schedules.
    Simply press the "send" button, and voila!

    In a few seconds your teams receive their schedules on their emails
