function openPdf(name,path,title){ $.ajax({ url: "", timeout: 5000, dataType:'json', data: { 'pdf_option' : 1, 'name' : name }, success: function(data) { createModal({ id:'pdfModal', title:title, content:data["pdf_option_html"], zIndex:"3001", formId:"form_modal_check", buttons:[ modalButton({label:'Generate',click:"applyPdfOption('" +path+ "','" +name+ "');",classes:"btn btn-modal btn-primary" }) , modalButton({label:'Cancel',click:''}) ] }); //ajaxForm("Print options",data["pdf_option_html"],"applyPdfOption('" +path+ "','" +name+ "')"); }, error: function(x, t, m) { ajaxError(x, t, m); } }); } function iflocationequalnull() { var fr = 'rechercher-un-tournoi', en = 'find-a-tournament'; if(LOCATION_NULL == true) { if(location.href.indexOf(fr) != -1) { if(document.referrer.indexOf(fr) != -1) { location.href = document.referrer; } else {location.href = "" + fr + ".html";} } else if(location.href.indexOf(en) != -1) { if(document.referrer.indexOf(en) != -1) { location.href = document.referrer; } else {location.href = "" + en + ".html";} } } } function applyPdfOption(path,name){ //gender = $("#team-filters #filter_gender").val(); var instruction=""; if($("#orientation").val()!=undefined) instruction+="&orientation="+$("#orientation").val(); if($("#size").val()!=undefined) instruction+="&fontsize=" + $("#size").val(); if($("#color").val()!=undefined) instruction+="&nocolor=" + $("#color").val(); if($("#official_start_pay_date").val()!=undefined) instruction+="&startdate=" + $("#official_start_pay_date").val(); if($("#official_end_pay_date").val()!=undefined) instruction+="&enddate=" + $("#official_end_pay_date").val(); /*instruction+="&name=" + name; win ="","pdf"); $(win).ready(function() { //$(win).attr("href",path + instruction); //win.location.assign(path + instruction); //alert(path + instruction); win.loadPdf(path + instruction); //alert("salut"); }); //win.location = path + instruction; */ instruction+="&name=" + name; + instruction); closeAjaxForm(); } function isMobile(){ $("#main").css('min-width',0); $(".container").css('width',"100%"); if($("#viewport").length > 0) setTimeout(ajustMobileFinals, 3000); } function ajustMobileFinals(){ $("#viewport").css('width',$(window).width()-5); } function windowOpen(windowUri,windowWidth,windowHeight, windowName) { var centerWidth = (window.screen.width - windowWidth) / 2; var centerHeight = (window.screen.height - windowHeight) / 2; newWindow =, windowName, 'menubar=yes,location=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=true,width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',left=' + centerWidth + ',top=' + centerHeight); newWindow.focus(); return; } function getSmallSpinner(){ return { lines: 8, // The number of lines to draw length: 2, // The length of each line width: 2, // The line thickness radius: 6, // The radius of the inner circle corners: 0.8, // Corner roundness (0..1) rotate: 0, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors speed: 1.8, // Rounds per second trail: 80, // Afterglow percentage shadow: true, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration className: 'aspinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner zIndex: 2000, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) top: 'auto', // Top position relative to parent in px left: 'auto' // Left position relative to parent in px }; } //all=1 tout les quotes //all=2 juste ' //all=3 juste " //Permet d'enlever les ' qui devient un espace et " qui devient rien function cleanQuotes(word,all) { all = typeof all !== 'undefined' ? all : 1; if (word != undefined){ if(all!=2){ word=word.replace(/'/g," "); } if(all!=3){ word=word.replace(/"/g,""); } word=word.replace(//g,""); word=word.replace(/«/g,""); word=word.replace(/»/g,""); } return word; } function createLoading(){ /*var html = ''; $('body').prepend(html);*/ var opts = { lines: 11, // The number of lines to draw length: 4, // The length of each line width: 6, // The line thickness radius: 19, // The radius of the inner circle corners: 0.8, // Corner roundness (0..1) rotate: 0, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors speed: 1.8, // Rounds per second trail: 80, // Afterglow percentage shadow: true, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner zIndex: 2000, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) top: 'auto', // Top position relative to parent in px left: 'auto' // Left position relative to parent in px }; var html = ''; $('body').prepend(html); var target = document.getElementById('spinner'); var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); } function startLoading(cache){ if (typeof cache == 'undefined') cache = false; if(!cache){ createLoading(); } $("#loadingModal").modal('show'); $('body div:last').addClass("invisible"); var mobile = 0; if(mobile==0) $("#loadingModal").modal('lock'); } function endLoading(cache){ if (typeof cache == 'undefined') cache = false; var mobile = 0; if(mobile==0) $("#loadingModal").modal('unlock'); $("#loadingModal").modal('hide'); if(!cache) $("#loadingModal").remove(); } function debug(str){ if(window['console']!='undefined') console.log(str); } if (!window.console) console = {log: function() {}}; function ajaxSuccess(){ $("#bravo1").remove(); $('body').append('
Process successfully completed.
'); $('#bravo1').centerHorizontal(); $('#bravo1').slideDown(200,function(){ $('#bravo1').delay(1000).slideUp(200); }); } jQuery.fn.centerHorizontal = function () { this.css("position","absolute"); this.css("top", Math.max(0, $(window).scrollTop()) + "px"); this.css("left", Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft()) + "px"); return this; } = function (animate) { this.css("position","absolute"); this.css("margin","0"); if(!animate){ this.css("top", Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - $(this).outerHeight()) / 2) + $(window).scrollTop()) + "px"); this.css("left", Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft()) + "px"); }else{ this.animate({ "top": Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - $(this).outerHeight()) / 2) + $(window).scrollTop()) + "px", "left": Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft()) + "px" },500); } return this; } /* Fonction qui retourne un bouton HTML, les options disponibles sont: label : Le texte dans le bouton (vide par défaut) classes : La ou les classes du bouton ('btn btn-modal' par défaut) click : La méthode appelée par l'évènement onclick du bouton (aucune par défaut) type : Le type du bouton ('button' par défaut) dismiss : Si le bouton ferme le modal après le click (vrai par défaut) */ function modalButton(options){ = || ""; options.label = options.label || ""; options.classes = options.classes || "btn btn-modal"; = || ""; options.type = options.type || "button"; options.dismiss = (typeof options.dismiss === 'undefined') ? true : options.dismiss; var dismiss = ""; if(options.dismiss) dismiss = 'data-dismiss="modal"'; return ''; } function modalInput(options){ = || ""; options.label = options.label || ""; options.classes = options.classes || "btn btn-modal"; = || ""; options.type = options.type || "button"; options.dismiss = (typeof options.dismiss === 'undefined') ? false : options.dismiss; options.checked= (options.checked == true) ? 'checked' : ''; options.styled = options.styled || false; options.align = options.align || "default"; // Ajout Francis options.label_align = options.label_align || "default"; // Ajout Francis var dismiss = ""; if(options.dismiss) dismiss = 'data-dismiss="modal"'; // Ajout Francis var html = ""; if (options.align == "buttons") { html = '
'; } else { html = '
'; } if (options.type=='checkbox'){ if(options.styled){ if(options.checked) html+=''; else html+=''; } html+= (options.label_align == "left" ? options.label : '') + ''+ (options.label_align == "default" ? options.label : ''); } html += "
" return html; } function formButtons(label_action,method_action,label_cancel,method_cancel){ label_cancel = label_cancel || 'Cancel'; method_cancel = method_cancel || ''; return [modalButton({label:label_action,click:method_action,dismiss:false,classes:"btn btn-modal btn-primary"}), modalButton({label:label_cancel,click:method_cancel})]; } function confirmModal(method,text,question,title){ question = question || ''; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; else if(text == '') text = 'Are you sure?'; createModal({ title: 'Warning', content : title+text, width:' ', max_width:500, isForm:false, validate : false, buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Yes',click:method}),modalButton({id:"BtnNo",label:'No'})] }); //$(".modal-backdrop").first().remove(); } function confirmFailModal(method,text,question,title){ question = question || ''; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; //if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; createModal({ title: title, content : '
' + text, width:' ', max_width:960, isForm:false, validate : false, buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Ok',click:method})] }); } function confirmDownloadModal(method,text,isValid,question,title, grandeur, largeur){ var grandeur = grandeur || $(window).height() - 250; var largeur = largeur || $('.container').width() - 140; question = question || ''; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; //if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; if(isValid){ createModal({ title: title, content : text, width: largeur, height: grandeur, isForm:false, validate : false, buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Yes',click:method}),modalButton({id:"BtnNo",label:'No'})] }); } else if(!isValid){ createModal({ title: title, content : '
' + text, width: largeur, height: grandeur, isForm:false, validate : false, }); } } function yesnoModal(methodyes,methodeno,text,question,title){ question = question || ''; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; else if(text == '') text = 'Are you sure?'; //console.log(methodyes); createModal({ title: 'Warning', content : title+text, width:' ', max_width:600, isForm:false, validate : false, close:methodeno, buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Yes',click:methodyes}),modalButton({id:"BtnNo",click:methodeno,label:'No'})] }); } function yesnoModal2(methodyes,methodeno,text,question,title){ question = question || ''; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; else if(text == '') text = 'Are you sure?'; createModal({ title: 'Warning', content : title+text, width:' ', max_width:600, isForm:false, validate : false, close:methodeno, zIndex: 9999, id:'mmm', buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Yes',click:methodyes}),modalButton({id:"BtnNo",click:methodeno,label:'No'})] }); } function yesnoModal_extend(methodyes,methodeno,text,question,title,last_section ){ question = question || ''; last_section = last_section || ""; title = title || ''; text = text || ''; if(title != '') title = '
"; if(question != '') question = '
"; if(text != '' && title != '' && question != '') text = '
"; else if(text == '') text = 'Are you sure?'; createModal({ title: 'Warning', content : title+text, width:' ', max_width:600, isForm:false, validate : false, close:methodeno, last_section:last_section, buttons: [question,modalButton({id:"BtnYes",label:'Yes',click:methodyes}),modalButton({id:"BtnNo",click:methodeno,label:'No'})] }); } function warningModal(text,title){ title = title || ''; if(title != '') title = '
"; createModal({ title: 'Warning', content : title+text, width:' ', max_width:500, isForm:false, validate : false }); } function createErrorModal(text,title,width){ title = title || 'Error'; width = width || 300; button = modalButton({label:'Close'}); createModal({ title: title, content : text, width:width, isForm : false, validate : false, buttons:button }); } function createErrorAlert(options){ $("#error_alert").remove(); = || $("#modal"); options.title = options.title || 'Error'; options.text = options.text || "An error happened.";'.modal-body').prepend('



'); } function createSuccessModal(text){ createModal({ title: 'Success', content : text, isForm : false, validate : false }); } /* Fonction pour créer un modal, les options disponibles sont: id : Le id du modal ('modal' par défaut) target : L'endroit où le modal sera créer ('body' par défaut) title : Le titre dans le header du modal (vide par défaut) content : Le contenu du body du modal (vide par défaut) close : Méthode appelé lorsque l'on clique sur la croix dans le header (aucune par défaut) show : Si le modal doit être appelé après sa création (vrai par défaut) locked : Empêcher de fermer le modal en cliquant à l'extérieur (vrai par défaut) isForm : Si le modal est contenu dans un form (vrai par défaut) validate : Si le form est validé lors de sa soumission (vrai par défaut, nécéssite isForm pour fonctionner) buttons : Un array de boutons HTML draggable: Permet de dragger le popup, le fond est non opaque (faux par défaut) */ function removeOverflowBody(){ $("body").removeClass("modal-open"); } String.prototype.splice = function( index, howManyToDelete, stringToInsert /* [, ... N-1, N] */ ){ // Create a character array out of the current string // by splitting it. In the context of this prototype // method, THIS refers to the current string value // being spliced. var characterArray = this.split( "" ); // Now, let's splice the given strings (stringToInsert) // into this character array. It won't matter that we // are mix-n-matching character data and string data as // it will utlimately be joined back into one value. // // NOTE: Because splice() mutates the actual array (and // returns the removed values), we need to apply it to // an existing array to which we have an existing // reference. Array.prototype.splice.apply( characterArray, arguments ); // To return the new string, join the character array // back into a single string value. return( characterArray.join( "" ) ); }; function createModal(options, f){ //block le scroll de la page mais pas celui du modal if(!='editable') $("body").addClass("modal-open"); if(typeof options == 'undefined') options = {}; = || "modal"; = || "body"; options.title = options.title || ""; options.width = options.width || "auto"; options.max_width = options.max_width || ''; //options.max_height = /*options.max_height || */''; // On va calculer automatiquement la hauteur de la fenêtre à la place (Francis) options.max_height = options.max_height || ''; // Paramètre inutilisé puisqu'on calcule automatiquement la hauteur des fenêtres maximum options.content = options.content || ""; options.close = options.close || ""; options.showCloseButton = (typeof options.showCloseButton === 'undefined') ? true : options.showCloseButton; // This property define if the X close button is displayed. It's also the only documented property of this function... options.method = options.method || "POST"; = (typeof === 'undefined') ? true :; options.locked = (typeof options.locked === 'undefined') ? true : options.locked; options.isForm = (typeof options.isForm === 'undefined') ? true : options.isForm; options.multipart = (typeof options.multipart === 'undefined') ? "" : 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'; options.action = (typeof options.action === 'undefined') ? "" : 'action="'+options.action+'"'; options.validate = (typeof options.validate === 'undefined') ? true : options.validate; options.draggable = (typeof options.draggable === 'undefined') ? true : options.draggable; options.icone = (typeof options.icone === 'undefined') ? "popup_arrow.gif" : options.icone; options.buttons = options.buttons || [modalButton({label:'Ok',dismiss:true})]; options.input = options.input || ""; options.animate = options.animate || ""; options.height = options.height || "auto"; options.zIndex = options.zIndex || "3000"; options.formId = options.formId || "form_modal"; options.last_section=options.last_section || ""; options.bold = (typeof options.bold === 'undefined') ? false : options.bold; // Texte en gras if(options.height!="auto" && typeof f === 'undefined') options.height+="px"; if(options.width!="auto") options.width+="px"; $("#"'hide'); try{ $("#"; } catch(ex){ } if(options.max_width != '') options.max_width = "max-width:"+options.max_width+"px;"; if(options.max_height != '' && typeof f === 'undefined') options.max_height = "max-height:"+options.max_height+"px;"; else if(options.max_height != '') options.max_height = "max-height:"+options.max_height; var form_start = ""; var form_end = ""; var closing = ""; if(options.isForm){ //$("#form_modal").remove(); //var tete = $("#form_modal").detach(); /*try{ var div = document.getElementById("form_modal"); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } catch(ex){ }*/ form_start='
'; form_end='
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'; var form_end='
'; footer = footer; } } else if(type == 4){ closing = 'data-keyboard="false" data-backdrop="static"'; $("#form_modal").remove(); var form_start='
'; var form_end='
'; }else if(type==5){ method = footer; method = method || '$('+"'"+'#form'+id.substr(5)+"'"+').submit()'; footer = ''; } headerStyle = "background-image:url('');background-repeat:repeat-x;"; var html = form_start+''+form_end; div.prepend(html); if(type == 4){ $('#form_modal').submit(function() { return emptyFields("form_modal"); }); } } function ajaxPopup(title,content){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Close',dismiss:true,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true,width:' '}); } function imagePopup(title,content,animate,back,next){ var buttons = Array(); var count = 0; if(back){ buttons[count] = back; count++ } if(next){ buttons[count] = next; count++ } buttons[count] = modalButton({label:'Close',dismiss:true,classes:'btn btn-danger'}); createModal({locked:false,show:false,width:" ",id:'image-popup',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true,animate:animate}); } function ajaxForm2(options){ if(typeof options == 'undefined') options = {}; options.title = options.title || ""; options.content = options.content || ""; options.callback = options.callback || ""; options.width = options.width || ""; var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Save',click:options.callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true, click:'iflocationequalnull()'}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:options.title,content:options.content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true,width:options.width}); } function ajaxForm(title,content,callback){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Save',click:callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true}); } function ajaxForm3(title,content,callback, max_height){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Save',click:callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true, max_height: max_height}, 'true'); } function ajaxForm4(options, max_height){ if(typeof options == 'undefined') options = {}; options.title = options.title || ""; options.content = options.content || ""; options.callback = options.callback || ""; options.width = options.width || ""; var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Save',click:options.callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true, click:'iflocationequalnull()'}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:options.title,content:options.content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true,width:options.width, max_height: max_height}, 'true'); } function ajaxFormYesNo(title,content,callback){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Yes',click:callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-modal btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'No',dismiss:true}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:true}); } function ajaxFormExport(title,content,callback){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Export',click:callback,dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true}); createModal({id:'standard-ajax-form',title:title,content:content,buttons:buttons,draggable:false}); } function ajaxFormImport(title,text){ var buttons = Array(); buttons[0] = modalButton({label:'Add',click:'addImport()',dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[1] = modalButton({label:'Overwrite',click:'overwriteImport()',dismiss:false,classes:'btn btn-primary'}); buttons[2] = modalButton({label:'Cancel',dismiss:true}); createModal({ title: title, content : text, isForm : false, validate : false, zIndex : "3002", buttons:buttons, draggable:false }); } function closeAjaxForm(){ $("#standard-ajax-form").remove(); $(".modal-backdrop").remove(); } function jsAlert(title,content,type,callback){ /*if(type==3){ ajaxForm(title,content,callback); }else{*/ createPopUp($('body'),"standard-confirm",title,content,type,callback); $("#standard-confirm").modal('show'); //createErrorModal(content,title,' '); //} } function nullCallBack(){} //Donne le focus au premier élément avec le css d'erreur function focusError(){ var errors = $('div.control-group.error:first'); var inputName = "#"+errors.attr("id").slice(0,-4); $(inputName).focus(); } //Vérifie tous les champs d'un form, si l'un est vide retourne false; function emptyFields(form,requiredOnly,popup){ if(typeof requiredOnly == 'undefined') requiredOnly = false; if(typeof popup == 'undefined') popup = true; $(document.activeElement).keypress(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == '13') { e.preventDefault(); } }); $("#"+form).find("button").prop("disabled",true); var valid = true; try{ $("#"+form+" :input[data-original-title]:visible").each(function(){ //$("#"+form+" :input:visible").each(function(){ var input = $(this); if('[type="text"],[type="password"],textarea')){ if($.trim(input.val())==""){ if(requiredOnly){ if(input.hasClass('required_field')){ input.tooltip('show'); valid = notValid(input); } }else{ input.tooltip('show'); valid = notValid(input); } } }else if('select')){ if(input.find('option:selected').html() == "" || input.find('option:selected').html() == " "){ if ( ! requiredOnly || (requiredOnly && input.hasClass('required_field'))) { input.tooltip('show'); valid = notValid(input); // Petit fix pour les "select" personnalisés var select = $("#" + input.attr("id") + "_msddHolder"); if (select.length != 0) { select.css("overflow", "visible"); if ( ! popup) select.find(".tooltip").css("top", "0px"); select.find(".tooltip").css("left", "+=3px"); select.find(".tooltip-inner").css("white-space", "nowrap"); select.find(".tooltip-arrow").css("top", "10px"); } } } } }); } catch(ex){ } if($("#"+form+" .error").length > 0) valid = false; else if($("#"+form+" .errorInput").length > 0) valid = false; if(!valid)$("#"+form).find("button").prop("disabled", false); if(!valid && $(".modal").length == 0 && popup) createErrorModal("The form contains errors"); return valid; } /* Fonction qui verifie la date de naissance */ function checkBirthDate(date_ref, year_min, year_max, target){ if($("#player_type option:selected").attr('data-status') == 1 && $("#player_birthdate").val() != "" && date_ref){ var year = $("#player_birthdate").val(); if(!((year_min == 0 || year <= year_min) && (year_max == 0 || year >= year_max))){ if(year_max != 0 && year_min != 0){ createErrorAlert({ target:target, text:"The players in this division need to be born between "+year_max+" and "+year_min+"." }); }else if(year_max != 0){ createErrorAlert({ target:target, text:"The players in this division need to be born after the "+year_max+"." }); }else{ createErrorAlert({ target:target, text:"The players in this division need to be born before the "+year_min+"." }); } return false; } } return true; } //Si un input est invalide, le css et le tooltip d'erreur s'affichent function notValid(input){ var nameDiv = "#"+input.attr("name")+"_div"; $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); return false; } function isEmail(email) { var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; return regex.test($.trim(email)); } function emailExists(input,nameDiv,pageAjax,ajaxError,type){ var emailExist = true; $.ajax({ url: pageAjax, async: false, // Appel Synchrone data: { 'email': input.val(), 'type': type }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (pageAjax=='organization_subscribe.php' ) { if(!data.result) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); $(nameDiv).removeClass('checkingEmail'); // Pour savoir quand le courriel est vérifié input.tooltip('hide'); } else if(data.org_unactivated) { createErrorModal('The email associated with this account has been disabled. Please contact technical support PlaniTournament using the contact form',"",600); //input.attr('title','The email associated with this account has been disabled. Please contact technical support PlaniTournament using the contact form').tooltip('fixTitle').tooltip('show'); $(nameDiv).removeClass('success'); $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); emailExist = false; } else { input.attr('title', ajaxError).tooltip('fixTitle').tooltip('show'); $(nameDiv).removeClass('success'); $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); emailExist = false; } } } }); return emailExist; } //Un input contenant un email, si pageAjax est différent de null le e-mail sera vérifié avec la base de données function emailField(input,pageAjax,type,requiredField) { // Si le champ est requis requiredField = requiredField || false; input.unbind('blur'); input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: (requiredField ? "Required field" : "Invalid email address") }); input.bind('blur', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; if (requiredField && $.trim(input.val()).length == 0) { // Champs requis input.attr('title', "Required field").tooltip('fixTitle').tooltip('show'); $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input.tooltip('show'); } else if(!isEmail($.trim(input.val())) && $.trim(input.val()).length > 0) { input.attr('title', "Invalid email address").tooltip('fixTitle').tooltip('show'); $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input.tooltip('show'); } else if (pageAjax != null && isEmail($.trim(input.val()))) { $(nameDiv).addClass('checkingEmail'); // Pour savoir si on est entrain de vérifier le courriel emailExists(input,nameDiv,pageAjax,'This email address already exists',type); } }); input.bind('blur keyup', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; if(isEmail($.trim(input.val())) && ! $(nameDiv).hasClass('checkingEmail')) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input.tooltip('hide'); } }); } function numericFieldNoTooltip(input){ input.bind('blur keyup', function() { var value = $(this).val(); if(value.slice(-1) == ","){ $(this).val(value.slice(0,-1)+"."); value = $(this).val(); } if(value != ""){ if($.isNumeric(value)) $(this).removeClass('errorInput'); else $(this).addClass('errorInput'); }else $(this).addClass('errorInput'); }); } function numericField(input,message){ if (typeof message == 'undefined') { input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: message }); } input.bind('blur keyup', function() { if($.isNumeric($.trim($(this).val()))) { $(this).removeClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('hide'); }else{ $(this).addClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('show'); } }); } // Valide si un élément contient un chiffre ou un nombre positif function positiveNumericField(input,message){ if (typeof message != 'undefined') { input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: message }); } input.bind('blur keyup', function() { if($.isNumeric($.trim($(this).val())) && $.trim($(this).val()) >= 0) { $(this).removeClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('hide'); }else{ $(this).addClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('show'); } }); } // Pour valider si la valeur d'un champ est entre un interval donné function requiredNumericFieldBetween(input,message,min,max){ input.addClass('required_field'); if (typeof message != 'undefined') { input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: message }); } input.bind('blur keyup', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; if($.isNumeric($.trim($(this).val())) && $.trim($(this).val()) >= min && $.trim($(this).val()) <= max) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); $(this).removeClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('hide'); }else{ $(this).addClass('errorInput'); input.tooltip('show'); } }); } function requiredField(input){ input.addClass('required_field'); input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: "Required field" }); input.bind('change keyup', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; if($.trim($(this).val()).length > 0) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input.tooltip('hide'); } }); } function removeRequiredField(input){ input.removeClass('required_field'); var nameDiv= "#"+input.attr('name')+"_div"; $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input.tooltip('hide'); } function forbiddenCharacters(input,characters){ input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: "Required field" }); input.bind('blur keyup', function() { var text = $.trim($(this).val()); var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; var invalid = false; if(!invalid){ for(var i = 0; i < characters.length;i++){ if(text.indexOf(characters[i]) > -1) { invalid = true; } } } if(invalid){ $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input.tooltip('show'); }else{ $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input.tooltip('hide'); } }); } function compareField(input1,input2){ input2.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: "Passwords are not identical" }); input2.bind('blur', function() { input1_val = $.trim(input1.val()); input2_val = $.trim(input2.val()); var nameDiv= "#"+input2.attr("name")+"_div"; if(input1_val != input2_val && input2_val.length > 0) { $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input2.tooltip('show'); } else if( input2_val.length > 0) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input2.tooltip('hide'); } }); input1.bind('blur', function() { input1_val = $.trim(input1.val()); input2_val = $.trim(input2.val()); var nameDiv= "#"+input2.attr("name")+"_div"; if(input1_val != input2_val && input2_val.length > 0) { $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input2.tooltip('show'); } else if( input2_val.length > 0) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input2.tooltip('hide'); } }); input1.bind('keyup', function() { input1_val = $.trim(input1.val()); input2_val = $.trim(input2.val()); var nameDiv= "#"+input2.attr("name")+"_div"; if(input1_val == input2_val && input2_val.length > 0) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input2.tooltip('hide'); } }); input2.bind('keyup', function() { input1_val = $.trim(input1.val()); input2_val = $.trim(input2.val()); var nameDiv= "#"+input2.attr("name")+"_div"; if(input1_val == input2_val) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input2.tooltip('hide'); } }); } function minimumLength(input,length){ input.tooltip({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", html:"true", title: length+"characters minimum" }); input.bind('blur keyup change', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; var lengthNow = $.trim($(this).val()).length; if(lengthNow >= length) { $(nameDiv).removeClass('error'); input.tooltip('hide'); } }); input.bind('blur keyup change', function() { var nameDiv= "#"+this.attributes["name"].value+"_div"; var lengthNow = $.trim($(this).val()).length; if(lengthNow < length && lengthNow > 0) { $(nameDiv).addClass('error'); input.tooltip('show'); } }); } //Changer le label en fonction du type, si type est 0, c'est un label de checkbox et l'image sera changée. Si le type est égal à 1, le label n'est pas lié à un checkbox et une classe lui sera appliqué. function labelClick(that,pageLoad,type){ if (typeof type == 'undefined') { type = 0; } if(pageLoad != 1){ chk = $("#chk"+that.slice(3)); chk.trigger('click'); } if(type == 0){ var icon = $("#ico"+that.slice(3)); icon.toggleClass('checkbox_checked'); icon.toggleClass('checkbox_unchecked'); }else{ $("#"+that).toggleClass('labelChecked'); } } function buttonModal(div){ div.on('show', '.modal', function(){ $(this).css({'margin-top':'-165px', 'margin-left':'155px','position':'absolute'}); }); } function centerModals(first){ $('.modal').each( function(){ modal_id = $(this).attr("id") || ""; modal_body = $(this).find(".modal-body"); // Déplacé la fin de la fonction each // $(window).height()-$(this).height() peut être négatif et le modal peut sortir de la fenêtre // $(this).css({'margin-top':($(window).height()-$(this).height())/2,'top':'0','margin-left':($(window).width()-$(this).width())/2}); if($(this).css("display") == "block"){ $(this).modal('show'); } // Si la hauteur du navigateur excède celle de la fenêtre modal, on applique la propriété overflow: visible à la fenêtre modal // de sorte que son contenu soit scrollable. Ensuite, pour éviter des problèmes avec les listes déroulantes, on applique la classe // dropup à toutes les listes déroulantes de cette fenêtre modal, de sorte que les listes se déroulent vers le haut plutôt que vers le bas var modal_body_height = modal_body.height(); if (modal_body_height == 0) modal_body_height = $(this).height() - 92; var diff_height_modal = $(this).height() - modal_body_height; // 92px var diff_window = $(window).height() - $(this).height() - 50; // 50 pour qu'on se garde une marge (15px en haut et en bas) var new_height = $(this).height() + diff_window - diff_height_modal; change = false; if (diff_window < 0) { // On calcule la hauteur pour qu'on ait toujours une marge modal_body.css("max-height", new_height + "px"); change = true; } else if ($(this).height() < $(this).attr("origin-height")) { if (new_height > ($(this).attr("origin-height") - diff_height_modal)) new_height = $(this).attr("origin-height") - diff_height_modal; modal_body.css("max-height", new_height + "px"); change = true; } var diff_height = $(this).height() - $(this).attr("origin-height"); // Quand la fenêtre change de hauteur // On vérifie si le contenu de la fenêtre est scrollé ou non var height_to_compare; if (modal_body.prop("scrollHeight") > modal_body.prop("clientHeight")) { height_to_compare = modal_body.prop("scrollHeight"); } else { height_to_compare = modal_body.height(); } if (change) { modal_body.css("overflow", ""); modal_body.css("overflow-x", "hidden"); modal_body.css("overflow-y", "auto"); modal_body.find('.selectpicker:not(.picker-exception)').each(function() { var multiple = $(this).attr("multiple"); if (typeof multiple === typeof undefined || multiple === false) { $(this).addClass("dropup"); $(this).selectpicker('refresh'); } }); } else if (modal_body.css("overflow") == "auto" && modal_body.css("overflow-y") != "auto" && ! isNaN(diff_height) && height_to_compare == ($(this).attr("origin-height") - diff_height_modal)) { modal_body.css("overflow", "visible"); modal_body.find('.dropup').removeClass("dropup"); modal_body.find('.selectpicker').each(function() { var multiple = $(this).attr("multiple"); if (typeof multiple === typeof undefined || multiple === false) { $(this).selectpicker('refresh'); } }); } $(this).css({'margin-top':($(window).height()-$(this).height())/2,'top':'0','margin-left':($(window).width()-$(this).width())/2}); }); if(first == 1){ $(window).resize(function() { centerModals(); }); $('body').on('show', '.modal', function(){ $(this).css({'margin-top':($(window).height()-$(this).height())/2,'top':'0','margin-left':($(window).width()-$(this).width())/2}); }); } } //Si un checkbox est "checked", lui assigner l'image de "checked" function checkCheckboxes(type,div){ type = type || 0; div = div || '#content'; $(div).find('input:checked').each(function(){ labelClick("lbl"+$(this).attr('id').slice(3),1,type); }); } function add_text(field,template){ template = prompt("Nom du template",template) if (template=="" || template == null) { return; } value = prompt("Français","") if (value=="" || value == null) { return; }"adm/list_text.php?add_text=1&text_name="+field+"&text_fr="+value+"&text_template_name="+template+"&close=1") location.reload(); } function lockUnlock(){ // save the original function object var _superModal = $.fn.modal; // add locked as a new option $.extend( _superModal.defaults, { locked: false }); // create a new constructor var Modal = function(element, options) { _superModal.Constructor.apply( this, arguments ) } // extend prototype and add a super function Modal.prototype = $.extend({}, _superModal.Constructor.prototype, { constructor: Modal , _super: function() { var args = $.makeArray(arguments) // call bootstrap core _superModal.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args) } , lock : function() { this.options.locked = true } , unlock : function() { this.options.locked = false } , hide: function() { if (this.options.locked) return this._super('hide') } }); // override the old initialization with the new constructor $.fn.modal = $.extend(function(option) { var args = $.makeArray(arguments), option = args.shift() // this is executed everytime element.modal() is called return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this) var data = $'modal'), options = $.extend({}, _superModal.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option) if (!data) { $'modal', (data = new Modal(this, options))) } if (typeof option == 'string') { data[option].apply( data, args ) } }); }, $.fn.modal); } function ajaxPage(header){ if (typeof header == 'undefined') { header = 0; } lockUnlock(); centerModals(1); if(header == 0){ $("body").on({ ajaxStart: function() { startLoading(); }, ajaxStop: function() { endLoading(); } }); } ajaxError = function(x, t, m) { if(t==="timeout") { endLoading(); createPopUp($('body'),"errorConn","Error","The connection to the server could not be established.
Please refresh."); $("#errorConn").modal('show'); } else { //alert(m); } $("#modal").modal('hide'); } } function getDaysInMonth(m, y) { return /8|3|5|10/.test(--m)?30:m==1?(!(y%4)&&y%100)||!(y%400)?29:28:31; } function isValidDate(date){ var array = date.split('-'); if(array[1] > 12) return false; if(array[2] > getDaysInMonth(array[1],array[0])) return false; return true; } function checkboxPage(){ $("#content").on('click','i',function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass('checkbox_disabled')){ if($(this).hasClass('checkbox_unchecked')){ $(this).addClass('checkbox_checked'); $(this).removeClass('checkbox_unchecked'); }else if ($(this).hasClass('checkbox_checked')){ $(this).removeClass('checkbox_checked'); $(this).addClass('checkbox_unchecked'); } } }); } function confirmDelete(method){ createPopUp($('body'),"confirmDelete",'Warning','Are you sure?',3,method); $("#confirmDelete").modal('show'); } function updateStatusBar(animate, global_value){ if(typeof global_value == undefined) global_value = true; if($("#status_bar").length>0){ $.ajax({ url: "", global:global_value, dataType: 'json', data: { 'get_status_bar':true, 'animate':animate }, success: function(data) { if(animate){ $("#status_bar #state-bar").fadeOut("100",function(){ $("#status_bar").replaceWith(data["status_bar"]); }); }else{ $("#status_bar").replaceWith(data["status_bar"]); } }, error: function(x, t, m) { //ajaxError(x, t, m); } }); } } function updateStatusBox(id,alert_id,callback){ $.ajax({ url: "", timeout: 5000, dataType: 'json', data: { 'get_status_box':true, 'get_alert_box':alert_id }, success: function(data) { $(id).replaceWith(data["status_box"]); if(alert_id){ $(alert_id).replaceWith(data["alert_box"]); } if(callback) callback(); }, error: function(x, t, m) { ajaxError(x, t, m); } }); } function setScrollPane(){ // console.log('set'); $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane({showArrows: true,mouseWheelSpeed: 50}); } function setScrollPaneHidden(){ //console.log('set hidden'); $('.scroll-pane-hidden').jScrollPane({showArrows: true,mouseWheelSpeed: 50}); 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if (data.hidden!=undefined)checked = data.hidden; if (hidable) {/*Permet de cacher le bouton stop_showing si la fenêtre n'est pas "cachable"*/ var check =modalInput({id:'checkHide',styled:true,label:'Do not show',type:"checkbox",click:"hideHelp('"+id+"',$(this).is(':checked'))",checked:checked}); } createModal({ title:data.title, input:check, width:600, /*buttons:(hidable)?[modalButton({ label:"Do not show",click:"hideHelp('"+id+"')",dismiss:true,classes:"btn btn-modal btn-primary" })]:"",*/ buttons:buttons, content:data.content, draggable:true, icone:"question.gif" }); } }); } function hideHelp(id,checked) { checkChk($("#checkHide").prev()); var action = 'hide'; if(!checked)action='unhide'; $.ajax({ url: "", type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { id :id, action: action } }); } function print_r(arr,level) { var dumped_text = ""; if(!level) level = 0; //The padding given at the beginning of the line. var level_padding = ""; for(var j=0;j \"" + value + "\"\n"; } } } else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc. dumped_text = "===>"+arr+"<===("+typeof(arr)+")"; 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$.ajax({ url: "", timeout: 5000, dataType: 'json', data: { 'todo_complete_action_code':code, 'get_status_bar':true }, success: function(data) { if(data["action_removed"])elem.remove(); if(data["status_bar"]) $("#status_bar").replaceWith(data["status_bar"]); }, error: function(x, t, m) { } }); //}); } //Méthode pour que les bootstrap-select se positionne au bon endroit quand on les ouvre. $(".dropdown-toggle").live('click',function(){ var div = $(this).parent(); var container = div.find('.inner'); var scroll = div.find('li.selected'); container.scrollTop(scroll.offset().top - container.offset().top + container.scrollTop()); }); function isUrl(s) { var regexp = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/ return regexp.test(s); } function errorUpload(error_code){ var error_text = "An error happened while uploading. "; if(error_code == 1) error_text += "The uploaded file size cannot be bigger than 50M."; else if(error_code == 2) error_text += "The uploaded file size cannot be bigger than 50M."; else if(error_code == 3) error_text += "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."; else if(error_code == 4) error_text += "No file was uploaded."; else if(error_code == 5) error_text += "An error happened."; else if(error_code == 6) error_text += "An error happened."; else if(error_code == 7) error_text += "An error happened."; else if(error_code == 8) error_text += "An error happened."; else if(error_code == 9) error_text += "The file is not a valid image. The file must finish with \".jpg\",\".jpeg\",\".png\" or \".gif\"."; else if(error_code == 10) error_text += "A virus was detected in the file."; else if(error_code == 11) error_text += "Some files could not be uploaded."; else error_text = 0; return error_text; } function popupVideo(video){ $.ajax({ url: "", timeout: 5000, dataType:'JSON', data: { 'video_name' : video }, success: function(data) { createModal({ content:data["html"], title:data["title"], draggable:true, width:data["width"], buttons:[modalButton({label:"Close"})] }); centerModals(); $("#modal").find('.modal-body').css('padding-top',0); }, error: function(x, t, m) { ajaxError(x, t, m); } }); } function updateCredits(){ $.ajax({ url: "", type:'POST', dataType:'JSON', data: { 'number_credits' : 1 }, success: function(data) { $("#header_credits").html(""" credits remaining"); $("#header_credits_bonus").html(data.credit_bonus+" free credits"); } }); } function tableScrollTo(td_to_scroll,div_scroll,after,notfound){ if(typeof td_to_scroll.get(0) != 'undefined'){ div_scroll.animate({ scrollTop: td_to_scroll.offset().top - div_scroll.offset().top + div_scroll.scrollTop(), scrollLeft: td_to_scroll.offset().left - (div_scroll.offset().left+135) + div_scroll.scrollLeft() }); if(typeof after != 'undefined') after; }else{ if(typeof notfound != 'undefined') notfound; } } /*fonction d'exportation de excel en javascript, voir version pour php, utility.php exportExcel*/ function DownloadJSON2CSV(objArray) { var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray; var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var line = ''; for (var index in array[i]) { if(line != '') line += ';' if(array[i][index] !=null) line += array[i][index]; else line +=''; //line += array[i][index] + ','; } // Here is an example where you would wrap the values in double quotes // for (var index in array[i]) { // line += '"' + array[i][index] + '",'; // } //line.slice(0,line.Length-1); str += line + '\r\n'; } /* var uri = 'data:application/;base64,'+escape(str); alert(uri); document.getElementById("dlink").href = uri; document.getElementById("dlink").download = 'team.xls'; document.getElementById("dlink").click();*/ //downloadWithName(escape(str),'team_list.csv'); if (navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {'data:text/csv;charset=ISO-8859-15;filename:"team_list.csv",' + escape(str)); } else { var popup ='','csv',''); popup.document.body.innerHTML = '
' + str + '
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